The idea
It all starts with the idea and the research until the script is created.
The filming
Although it is tiring to do everything yourself, it is all the more fun.
The film material becomes the finished film with colors and sound.
The highlight of every filmproduction is the release.

Let yourself be carried away into my world
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The latest film releases

Das Museum

Zunft & Kirche

Der Krampus
briefly about me
Born in Breitenwang in 1966, I became interested in photography when I was 10 years old.
In 1986, I started my journey with a Sony video camera. But since I couldn’t afford to set up an editing station, I turned to photography.
In 2001, I had the opportunity to work as a freelance journalist. This helped me progress further. Here, I was able to learn a lot about reporting. This is now helping me when filming.
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